Yamas – De moraliska reglerna att följa i yogafilosofin (del 1)

Hur vi lever i världen och hur vi kan ändra vår attityd

– Gästblogginlägg av Marianna –

Del 1 – Yamas

De flesta av oss tänker på yoga mest i termer av fysisk träning.
Men hur interagerar vi med andra människor och miljön och hanterar våra problem ur ett yogaperspektiv?

Har du någonsin råkat bete dig annorlunda hemma med dina nära och kära, och på jobbet eller med dina vänner?

På jobbet är vi kanske tålmodiga och självkontrollerade, men hemma tappar vi snabbt humöret.
Eller så är vi supervänliga med våra vänner och lynniga med våra släktingar.

Våra attityder och beteenden påverkar våra egna och andras liv.

Enligt Patanjalis tradition finns det fem beteendemönster, som kallas Yamas, som kan ge lugn och fridfullhet om de blir en del av vårt dagliga liv.

Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Stepping Into the Ancient Practice of Hatha Yoga Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient Practice Ancient 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The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas

1. Ahimsa

Inte skada: inte skada andra levande varelser eller sig själv.
Att begå våld är inte bara att döda eller slå någon annan i ansiktet.

Vi begår våld också när vi inte återvinner på rätt sätt, inte tar hand om vår hälsa, bär mask eller håller avstånd nu under pandemin och säger ovänliga ord.

2. Satya

Sanningsenlighet: vi måste tänka på vad vi säger, hur vi säger det och på vilket sätt det kan påverka andra – inte ljuga, inte skvallra, agera med integritet.

3. Asteya

Icke-stjäla: inte ta något som inte tillhör oss.
Om vi till exempel alltid är sena till våra möten eller utnyttjar någon annans generositet, praktiserar vi inte asteya (att inte stjäla).

4. Brahmacarya

Rätt användning av energi: det är känslan av att rikta vår energi bort från yttre önskningar och hitta frid och lycka inom oss själva.

Mycket energi går förmodligen åt till att behaga eller imponera på andra, till att göra saker som egentligen inte gagnar oss.

För att vara den bästa versionen av oss själva och använda energin på rätt sätt måste vi först lyssna på vad våra kroppar behöver.
Crazy busy visar sig vara ett återkommande mantra.

Frågan är: vad gör vi som är värt det?
Hur mår vi på insidan med vårt fullspäckade schema?
Att dränera oss själva med människor och dagliga uppgifter som inte tillfredsställer oss själva är inte svaret.

5. Aparigraha

Att inte ta tillfället i akt: Vi ska bara ta det som är nödvändigt och inte dra fördel av en situation.

Om vi tar mer än vi rättmätigt har förtjänat utnyttjar vi någon annan.
Det handlar också om att släppa taget om materiella ägodelar och omfamna den förändring som är den enda konstanten i vårt liv.

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The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) The Yamas – The Moral Rules To Pursue In Yoga Philosophy (Part 1) Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas Yamas

Visst krävs det stor styrka för att följa dessa principer, men ju mer tro vi har på den här vägen, desto mer energi har vi att sträva efter våra mål.

Dessa fem moraliska principer och hur vi kan tillämpa dem i vårt dagliga liv måste alltid betraktas ur ett större perspektiv.

Vi måste ha ett genomtänkt beteende i varje situation.
Det är viktigt att ha och följa principer, så länge dessa principer inte går stick i stäv med sunt förnuft.

Vi måste alltid fundera över våra handlingar och tankar och inte följa reglerna blint bara för att någon har sagt åt oss att göra det.


  1. Yogans hjärta av T.K.V. Desikachar

Marianna har utövat yoga i mer än åtta år, och 2020
slutförde hon 200h Yoga Teacher Training i Vinyasa på YogaMoves i Utrecht.
Hon brinner för att dela yoga med andra, leva mer hållbart,
och resa.
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